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庆祝土著遗产和社区 在雪城大学

Explore 欧几里德大道113号, the recently renovated space centering Indigenous voices on campus.

欧几里德大道113号, 本地学生计划的所在地, was renovated this summer and has reopened with 更多的 space for gatherings and programming.

豪德诺苏尼的六个民族都有一个共同的理解 地球是如何开始的. In the sky world, a hole opened at the roots of the celestial tree, and Sky Woman tumbled through. 她的坠落被鸟儿打断了, who cradled her on their wings and placed her gently on the back of a turtle. 在那里, 在麝鼠从深处挖出来的泥里, the seeds that Sky Woman brought from the sky world took root and the Earth began to flourish.


Richard Summers III ' 25 majors in 通信设计 and created a graphic representation of the Haudenosaunee origin 故事 for one of 113 Euclid’s meeting rooms.

Richard Summers III ' 25, 奥奈达市, designed a graphic representation of this 故事 to circle the ceiling of a meeting room at 欧几里德大道113号, 的新装修的家 雪城大学的本土学生计划. The origin 故事 speaks to the interconnections and collaborations that create and sustain our worlds. It’s a fitting message to celebrate the Native Student Program and the space dedicated to it—both represent years of collaborative efforts in support of current and future generations of students.


对于主修 通信设计视觉与表演艺术学院,这个故事也谈到了熟悉和家. “我是听着这个故事长大的——从长辈那里听来的. It’s a 故事 that brings that warm feeling, like everything is going to be OK,” he says.

这种品质也使它非常适合113欧几里得. Providing a homey atmosphere that nurtures a sense of belonging is one of the main goals of the space, 里安农·艾布拉姆斯的《澳门线上赌场》解释道, 波塔瓦托米族和莫霍克族, 也是本地学生项目的学术顾问. “Having a space where our experiences are centered and where we can form community is important for many Indigenous students’ success,她说。. “This dedicated space really sends a message that we have a presence on campus.”


Summers (left) contributed on a student advisory committee planning 113 Euclid’s renovations, 和里安农·艾布拉姆斯的21 G 24(右), 谁担任本地学生计划的学术顾问, 今年夏天协助了一些建筑工作.

整个夏天, an Indigenous-owned contracting company conducted major renovations at 113 Euclid: Walls came down and rooms opened to allow for 更多的 light and larger gatherings. “We want 113 Euclid to feel like a safe and welcoming place for all,萨默斯说。, who served on a student committee contributing to renovation plans. “这是一个你可以在一天中的任何时间去放松的地方, 看到朋友, do your work—and maybe get a little break from feeling like the only Native person 在 room.”



新装修的空间温馨温馨, 学生们在他们的其他学习任务中顺道过来, 放松,和朋友交流.

翻新也意味着该项目可以发展壮大, 23岁的贝利·特拉恰克说, 奥奈达市, 和本地学生项目协调员 多元文化事务办公室. 在欧几里德113号, there is space dedicated for students to create regalia and also opportunities to practice Native languages. “Language revitalization is really important to tribal communities. If we don’t have our language, we don’t have our culture,” she explains. “现在我们有空间建一间语言教室, which we’ll be able to fill with materials so that interested students can work on learning a language or maintaining what they already know.”


The renovated space will support programming such as Native language study, 本土学生项目协调员说, 贝利·特拉恰克,23岁.

Tlachac is also looking forward to expanding Indigenous programming to include 更多的 global representation. The 全球土著文化和环境正义中心, an academic unit that supports interdisciplinary work alongside Indigenous communities to address issues related to cultural heritage, 政治主权和气候变化, 也将设在欧几里得113号. “I am really excited that this space will help us expand our global representation,” 说Tlachac. “这是所有土著体验的家园, and it will help us grow Indigenous representation across campus.”



Pieces by Indigenous artists from around the world fill the walls at 113 Euclid, 包括奥内达加艺术家的一幅壁画 布兰登Lazore.

The walls at 113 Euclid are filling with pieces by Indigenous artists from around the world. One of the criteria that has guided art selection is a focus on Indigenous presence in modern and future contexts, 说Tlachac. Conscientiousness about the future is salient at 113 Euclid in other ways, too. 艾布拉姆斯和特拉恰克非常感激雷吉娜. Jones ’07, 奥奈达市, founding director of the Native Student Program. 虽然琼斯去年退休了, Abrams and Tlachac credit her support and mentorship of Native students for growing the program to its current form, and they see their efforts as continuing her legacy of working to benefit future generations. “A lot of what you might advocate for or work toward as a student, 你可能无法看到结果,艾布拉姆斯说。. “But you do it because you know it’s the right thing for the people who come after you.”


In addition to the Native Student Program, 113 Euclid will also be home to the 全球土著文化和环境正义中心.

“我们有这样的说法——‘七代人’,”萨默斯解释说. “It means that what you do now should make things better for people seven generations from now. 这就是我们要做的,113欧几里得.”

*豪德诺苏尼联盟 包括莫霍克人, 奥奈达市, 奥内达加人, 卡尤加人, 塞内加和塔斯卡罗拉国家, and Haudenosaunee ancestral lands extend across most what is now known as Upstate New York.

** Rhiannon Abrams got her bachelor’s degree in health and exercise science at the 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院目前,他正在哈佛大学攻读商业分析硕士学位 惠特曼管理学院.

作者 莎拉·H. 格里芬




在雪城大学, you’ll find a welcoming campus community and rich academic programs with faculty, staff and alumni who are invested in helping Indigenous students succeed—from admission through graduation and beyond.

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