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打破障碍 棒球场


艾莉森·吉尔摩,24岁 has a deeply heartfelt passion for baseball 和 softball. Diagnosed at 2 ½ years old with cerebral palsy, she never had the opportunity to compete on the diamond, 但她确实很喜欢这项运动. 宾夕法尼亚人, 谁有一个双胞胎妹妹, 在场边安顿下来, 为她的兄弟姐妹加油, tracking statistics 和 joining her dad as a longtime dedicated fan of the Baltimore Orioles. “The baseball 和 softball fields were kind of my home growing up,” says Gilmore, a 运动分析 是雪城大学的专业 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院. “我期待着清晨的比赛. I loved interacting 和 watching them play—和 my love of sports grew from that.”


吉尔摩参加了今年8月在巴尔的摩举行的美国棒球研究协会50周年纪念大会. 她认为,与巴尔的摩金莺队(Baltimore Orioles)管理层的会面是这次聚会的亮点之一.

今天,这种爱是显而易见的. Gilmore relishes tuning into ballgames, soaking up stats 和 building her knowledge base. She’s a Dean’s List student who’s enhancing her education with a minor in 体育运动管理 还有一个 资讯管理及科技信息学院. 所有这些都支持她专注于发展自己的编程和数据分析技能,目标是毕业后在美国职业棒球大联盟(Major League Baseball)的一支球队担任前台分析职位. “我认为数据真的很强大,”她说. “发现可以帮助团队或组织提高绩效的额外信息让我很兴奋.”

吉尔摩认识到,在男性主导的体育产业中,残疾女性的身份是罕见的, 和 she is motivated by the idea of being a role model for others, carrying that drive with her beyond the playing fields. “我一直意识到教育他人以创造一个更包容的社会的重要性,她说。.

作为一名残疾倡导者, she shares her story to help other students with disabilities navigate their journeys. She does that, in part, as a student assistant at the 跨文化的集体残疾人士文化中心, where she welcomes students at the front desk 和 serves as a peer mentor. “我总是说,我的残疾并不能定义我,但它是我身份和我是谁的重要组成部分. Obviously our society was built for able-bodied individuals, 所以我经常要克服社会中根深蒂固的残疾歧视和残疾歧视,她说。. “我每天都要面对这个问题, 和 I have a huge compassion for individuals with disabilities, so being able to engage with them as a mentor is really important to me.”


吉尔莫认为,体育分析是将她的数学和统计学技能与她对体育的热爱完美结合的一种方式,她认为是父亲第一次了解雪城大学的项目,并知道她会喜欢这个项目. 她说:“我研究了体育分析,从那天起,我就知道我想来雪城大学。. “I’m so grateful to be here 和 forever grateful to my family for encouraging me.”

Once on campus, Gilmore needed little encouragement to get involved. While facing some difficult challenges during her transition to college life, she appreciated the support she received 从 Falk College community, 尤其是体育分析项目经理弗朗西斯科·里韦索和学术顾问马修·耶格尔. Riverso has seen Gilmore blossom throughout her time at Syracuse, noting her determination 和 that she “has never shied away from an opportunity to grow, 个人和专业,他说.

I looked into 运动分析 和 from that day I knew I wanted to come to Syracuse. I’m so grateful to be here 和 forever grateful to my family for encouraging me.


例如, 里韦索回忆起吉尔摩在体育分析生活学习社区(Sport Analytics Living Learning Community)的一次以多样性为主题的活动上对她的同龄人说的话, 股本, 包容和无障碍(DEIA). “Alison was c和id about her journey as a disabled woman studying in sports, 这是非常鼓舞人心的,他说. “She captivated the audience with her honesty, sharing her experiences in an effort to educate 和 inspire the first-year students. 这就是典型的艾莉森, a young woman who is dedicated to impacting her community through her advocacy, 洞察力和激情. 如果说我们很幸运能请到她参加我们的项目,那就低估了她的重要性. 她是一个榜样,也是我20多年来在高等教育中遇到的最积极进取的学生之一.”

Photo of Gilmore sitting behind a desk at the 跨文化的集体, 微笑着给学生递信息.

残疾人权益倡导者, Gilmore欢迎游客到大学的跨文化集体,并担任残疾文化中心的同伴导师. “我一直意识到教育他人以创造一个更包容的社会的重要性,她说。.


马上就开始, 吉尔摩加入了体育分析女性俱乐部,目前担任学生组织的副主席, which conducts research 和 networks with women leaders in the field. She also became a member of the Baseball Statistics 和 Sabermetrics Club, 从事研究并参加由美国棒球研究协会(SABR)主办的钻石美元案例竞赛. Her devotion to analyzing baseball stats was rewarded when she received an Anthony A. Yoseloff基金会奖学金参加8月在巴尔的摩举行的SABR 50周年纪念大会. Not only did she enjoy the convention 和 attend an Orioles’ game, but she met members of the team’s front office, 包括西格·迈达尔, vice president 和 assistant general manager, 分析, who shared advice with her on building her technical skills. “I learned so much 和 engaging with those individuals was super meaningful,她说。.

Group portrait of the Sport Analytics Women club.

体育分析女性俱乐部的成员在研究项目上进行合作,并与该领域的女性领导者建立联系. 吉尔莫(左三)在一年级时加入了该组织,目前担任副会长.

That wasn’t Gilmore’s only valuable experience last summer. She was also the recipient of a Women in Sports Tech Inc. 奖学金, which placed her at Zoomph—a 运动分析 platform that tracks sponsorship, media-value exposure 和 audience behavior—as a social intelligence analyst intern. 她的工作亮点是分析2022年NCAA女子大学世界大赛的社交媒体数据、参与度和内容价值,并将她的研究结果发表在博客上. “就分析体育领域的数据而言,我在Zoomph的实习是一次非常宝贵的经历,她说。.

作为福尔克大学的柏林学者, Gilmore是体育分析项目的精英学生之一,他们获得了奖学金和经济援助, 参加竞赛和专题讨论会, 和教师导师一起进行研究. 在Rodney Paul教授的指导下, 体育分析项目的主管, 她计划探索美国职业棒球大联盟投手角色变化的有效性. “I really look forward to engaging in the research,她说。.


Gilmore talking with Riverso, books 和 notebooks scattered on the table in front of them.

Gilmore appreciates the guidance she receives from Francesco Riverso G’05, the 运动分析 program manager at Falk College. 里韦索称她为“榜样”,是他合作过的“最有动力的学生之一”.


When Gilmore needs inspiration, she keeps in mind the work of acclaimed sportscaster Jason Benetti, 05年, 谁的广播让她仰慕多年, long before she even knew he was a Syracuse alumnus or that they shared the same disability. Through the Falk College network, Gilmore connected with Benetti, who’s now with Fox Sports. 他的努力工作使他成为她的导师, dedication 和 success showing her that “you can do anything if you put your mind to it,她说。. “杰森是我非常欣赏的人. His willingness to interact with me is something I truly value.”

雪城大学的资源令人难以置信,而且不乏机会. That truly means a lot to me 和 has had a major impact on the person that I am.


在体育世界之外, Gilmore热衷于对其他学生产生积极影响并帮助他们取得成功, giving back for the support from faculty 和 staff that means so much to her. 她作为福尔克招生大使会见未来的学生,并担任第一年研讨会的同龄人领袖, 促进DEIA讨论. 作为一名参与者,她积极参与了该校第一年的志愿者和领导力赋权项目orangesseeds, mentor 和 member of the executive 和 membership boards; 和 has served on the 《恶棍 作为OttoTHON的委员会成员, 大学的舞蹈马拉松,为上州戈里萨诺儿童医院筹集资金.

吉尔摩说,她在雪城大学的经历帮助她建立了领导能力和公共演讲技巧,并获得了自信, 她说,体育分析课程在为她想从事的工作做准备方面“发挥了神奇的作用”. “雪城大学的资源令人难以置信,而且不乏机会,她说。. “That truly means a lot to me 和 has had a major impact on the person that I am.”


Student st和ing 和 smiling outside of 大卫·B. 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院.

大卫·B. 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院

Social justice principles are at the foundation of programs in exercise science, 食品研究, 人类发展与家庭科学, 婚姻家庭治疗, 公共卫生, 营养, 社会工作, 体育分析和体育管理. 学者, 服务学习项目, 实习, 研究的机会, 沉浸式旅行和与我们专业相关的俱乐部为学生的职业生涯做好准备,使他们在生活和工作的社区中有所作为.

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Professor helping student on computer in the the sports analysis computer lab.



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